Alberto Testi has significant experience in the handling of disputes and out-of-court settlements, with particular regard to executive employment relationships, the implementation of company transfers procedures and the planning and implementation of restructuring, reorganisation and downsizing plans for companies belonging to national and international groups.
He’s member of AGI (Italian Labour Lawyers Association) and AIDP (Italian Association of Personnel Management).
Who’s Who Legal
In WWL Alberto Testi is defined as: “«an excellent professional with vast experience» by market commentators. He is revered for his «deep knowledge of employment law» as well as «exemplary ethical standards and analytical thinking»”. Moreover, it is said of him that: “he is a key name in the Italian market and is lauded by clients for his expertise in labour force restructuring matters. Sources comment that he is «very level-headed with true market insights»”.
Best Lawyers
Alberto Testi has been recognised in the 2024 edition ‘Best Lawyers in Italy’ for the Labour and Employment practice.
Leaders League
Zambelli & Partners with its Founding Partner Alberto Testi has been ranked as Excellent Firm for the following categories Italy – Labor & Employment Advisory 2024 and Italy – Labor & Employment Litigation 2024.
TopLegal named the Team among the leaders in Italy in the field of Employment Law. Alberto Testi is described as “reliable and precise”.