Barbara Grasselli


Activity Areas

Barbara has a significant experience in employment law and industrial relations. She advises domestic and foreign clients in implementing and managing personnel restructuring plans, in dealing with business crisis situations as well as in procedures involving the relocation of business. She assists clients in labour-law issues over both the pre-litigation and the litigation stage. She has a wide experience in agency relationships, thus assisting clients in drafting agency contracts as well as in managing the relevant litigation.

She is also a member of AGI  Italian Employment Lawyers Association), AIDP (Italian Association for Personnel Management) and EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association).


Chambers reports on Barbara Grasselli: “Sources praise her for being very efficient and quick in responding to clients’ requests. She is also described as very clever and pragmatic. Clients speak at length about her, reporting that she is determined in negotiations» as well as «available, always providing the right solution and answering to company requests. She has experience in a range of employment matters including redundancy plans and litigation”

Top Legal listed the Team among the leaders in Italy in the field of Employment Law: “Barbara Grasselli is appreciated for her in-depth knowledge of the subject and of negotiation techniques”

Who’s Who Legal
WWL quotes Barbara Grasselli as follows: “She has impressive skills, knowledge and experience” “Her relationship management is excellent” “Barbara has a strong grasp of the business issues at stake”

Legal 500
Legal 500 says about Barbara Grasselli: “she brilliantly provides assistance with internal reorganization processes and with the termination of the relationships with company employees (even at top level), guiding the negotiation in the most effective for the company. She has always acted in person without making excessive use of collaborators”. 

Best Lawyers
Barbara Grasselli has been recognised in the 2024 edition ‘Best Lawyers in Italy’ for the Labour and Employment practice.

Leaders League
Zambelli & Partners with its Founding Partner Barbara Grasselli has been ranked as Excellent Firm for the following categories Italy – Labor & Employment Advisory 2024 and Italy – Labor & Employment Litigation 2024

Labour Awards 2015
Barbara Grasselli awarded “Lawyer of the Year – Rising Star” at the 2015 Legalcommunity Labour Awards.

Training and Academic Activity

  • Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court, 2015
  • Admitted to practice law in Italy, 2001
  • Degree in Law, University of Milan, 1996


  • Co-author, “Italy: Employment & Labour Law”, The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides, Seventh Edition, 2023;
  • Co-Author, “Employment & Labour Law”, International Comparative Legal Guides, Thirteenth Edition, 2023;
  • Co-author, “Crisi Aziendale e Rapporto di Lavoro” (Company Crisis and the Employment Relationship) – Collection of five books, Il Sole 24 Ore, 2018. The Volume was awarded in June 2019 as the Best Book on Employment Law by the Labour Consultants Association of Milan;
  • Co-author, “Guida Pratica al Diritto Sindacale” (Practical Guide to Trade Union Law), Il Sole 24 Ore, Fourth Edition 2010/Co-author, “Guida Pratica al Diritto Sindacale” (Practical Guide to Trade Union Law), Il Sole 24 Ore, Third Edition, 2007;
  • Co-author, “Guida pratica al licenziamento e alle sanzioni disciplinari” (Practical Gude to Dismissals and Disciplinary Procedures), Il Sole 24 Ore, Fourth Edition 2012/Co-author, “Guida pratica al licenziamento e alle sanzioni disciplinari” (Practical Gude to Dismissals and Disciplinary Procedures), Il Sole 24 Ore, Second Edition, 2006;
  • Author of case-law review on agency contracts published by Guida al Lavoro (Il Sole 24 Ore);
  • Author of case-law review on agency contracts published by Agenti & Rappresentanti (Il Sole 24 Ore) from 2001 to 2007.